Thuc notes © 2022
My notes while reading Rust language. Keep updating frequently.
GZIP is a lossless compression and decompression method. it supports the compression and decompression of a data stream to produce another data stream. It is based on Deflate that combines of LZ77 and Huffman coding
Deflate is a lossless streaming compression/decompression algorithm. It’s used widely in GZIP and PNG. Deflate is a combination of LZ77 and Huffman coding algorithm to compress data.
The Huffman coding is an algorithm that is used for lossless data compression, such as gzip or PNG image format.
The jump table is a method to transfer program control to another code block using a table of branch or jump instructions.
Provide common retry strategies and patterns such as fibonacci, exponential, linear, polynomial
How to design a good service in a microservices with loose coupling and high cohesion
Listing why we choose or do not choose microservices based on advantages and disadvantages
Microservices basic information
First part of the kernel that will be called by bootloader. It’s gate of kernel before accessing higher level code
Processor real mode, protected mode, virtual real mode
MBR, MBR partition, MBR sequence, compare with VBR
Command Query Responsibility Segregation
Linux’s kernel boot process step by step
CPU register addressing modes
CPU register, execute cycle
Quick notes about Linux boot process
Quick notes about firmware boot process
Quick notes what’s stable sort and unstable sort
Notes about bonds
Give a hand to control the machine